Anki Spanish Computer Deck, Part 2: Social Media

Today we’re continuing our theme from yesterday: computers. For many people, social media is an every day part of life. It’s also how many people find practice partners for language learning. Since we’re trying to learn Spanish, we need to learn how to talk about our interactions with social media like Facebook, Titter, and Instagram.

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

Sustantivos – Nouns

la red socialthe social network
el ciberacosothe cyber bullying
el comentariothe comment
el murothe wall
el estadothe status
el forothe forum
la fotothe photo
el vídeothe video
el textothe text
el mensajethe message
el mensaje directothe direct message
el perfilthe profile
la foto de perfilthe profile picture
el influenciador
la influenciadora
the influencer
el contactothe contact
la menciónthe mention
la publicaciónthe post
la historiathe story
los seguidoresthe followers
los suscriptoresthe subscribers

Verbos – Verbs

chatearto chat
compartirto share
etiquetarto tag
comentarto comment
publicarto post
responderto reply
editarto edit
borrarto delete
invitarto invite
agregarto add
twitearto tweet
subscriberseto subscribe
seguirto follow
cerrar sesiónto log off
to sign out
iniciar sesiónto log on
to sign in