WordPress Sites

I’ve mad a few WordPress sites over the years that I don’t maintain anymore but since this shadycrzy thing is all about me, I figure I should share some of my other pages.

Monumental History

I started this blog after moving to Washington, D.C. and being curious about the history behind all the monuments scattered around the city. Big shout out to the D.C. Public Library for their amazing digital archives.

Style Zero 2 Style Hero

I started this men’s fashion blog about four years ago. I think this is my most popular blog but I was running out of things to write about since I wasn’t interested in trends.

Hanzo Project

This is from about 8 years ago when I was training for my black belt. It’s not the most popular blog I’ve made but people still visit it.

Otaku Project

This is the home for all of the articles that were up on the original Amish Otaku page. Not all of the articles are mine but I tried to attribute some of the ones that weren’t mine.