Anki Spanish Computer Deck, Part 1

With all of the work I’ve been doing with my computer lately, it was time to expand my vocabulary so I could talk about some of my hobbies with my Mexican friends. I’ve made a small 22-word deck to get us started with more to come in the coming weeks.

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

Sustantivos – Nouns

la computadorathe computer
el laptopthe laptop
el mousethe mouse
el tecladothe keyboard
la teclathe keyboard key
la impresorathe printer
el escánerthe scanner
la pantallathe monitor
el disco durothe hard drive
el micrófonothe microphone
los altavocesthe speakers
los bocinasthe speakers
los auricularesthe headphones
la memoria USBthe USB stick
la unidad USBthe USB drive
la unidad de discothe disc drive
el puerto de HDMI/VGAthe HDMI/VGA port

Verbos – Verbs

encenderto turn on
apagarto shut down, to turn off
imprimirto print
escanearto scan
teclearto type

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