Wednesday Wrap-Up

Absolution #1

I’m not really a super hero kind of guy but I love what Avatar does with the quintessential comic book trope. Instead of the torch bearers of morality that is the traditional portrayal of these characters, we get flawed and imperfect humans in a struggle to rectify their ideals with reality. John Dusk is a super hero who’s sick of seeing the same scum regurgitated by the system to continue their violent ways. When Dusk kills a perp his whole outlook changes. There’s nothing really outstanding about this title, I just love the dystopic super hero story.

The Boys #33

The Boys never gets boring, it just keeps getting better. If things keep going the way they are, there won’t be any supes left for The Boys to take care of. Not much story development in this issue but the action that does occur more than makes up for it. If you’re not reading The Boys, you’re missing out

Chew #3

Most of you probably missed this title when it first came out due to the limited printing and high demand. By this point however, you should be well caught up considering they’re already on their second printing of the first issue. I love the top-heavy character designs by Rob Guillory and John Layman’s quirky premise is handled with expert comedic timing. This five issue mini-series should definitely be on your pull list.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep #2

I love just about anything that Philip K. Dick writes so it’s no wonder that I’m enjoying this. Tony Parker’s art is crisp and evocative. The writing is Dick’s own and is well suited to the comic medium. The only complaint I can muster is that the characters have little resemblance to those in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. This is a very small complaint but imagine how you’d feel if a comic adaptation of The Shining didn’t include an antagonist that was inspired by Jack Nicholson.

Greek Street #2

This story seems like such a good idea. Take one part Greek mythology, one part urban decay and one part crime story and you should have a good story. While that might be the case it isn’t working in the limited format of a monthly comic. Another problem is I know too many of these stories so when the writer tries to bend the mythology a bit I notice it right away and cry foul. Once again, I think we’re going to have to wait a few issues and read them all in a row to make any sense of this juxtaposed world.

Incarnate #1

While Incarnate doesn’t break any new ground in vampire comics, it does bring a lot of good elements together for the first time in western comics. Son of KISS icon Gene Simmons, Nick Simmons borrows heavily from the world of manga in his character designs and drawing while his story borrows more from the western world of vampire stories. Still, this is a fun story and if you can get over the five dollar price tag I suggest you check this three issue mini-series out. It has lots of promise.

Irredeemable #5

I’ve been loving this comic since issue number one and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here. No one knows where the Plutonian is or where he’ll show up next but the team of super heroes trying to stop him certainly has their hands full. When dissent shows up in their ranks it can only work out in the Plutonian’s favor. If you haven’t already started this series get on it or at least pick up the trade when it comes out.

North 40 #2

I like where this is going. It’s like H.P. Lovecraft setting his stories in sleepy desert towns. That or Lovecraft creating his own comic book heroes and villains. While most of the characters border on the cliché, it’s their proximity to and relationship with the bizarre that make this story stand out. This isn’t for everybody but for those who like a little comedy in their horror this is a sure bet.

Street Fighter IV #3

I love me some Street Fighter action but if you’re not like me I don’t think you’ll find anything worth your time in this comic. The art is gorgeous and chock full of fan service but the story line is trite and is nothing to brag about. Consider how much time Capcom put into making Street Fighter IV compared to writing its story. To be fair I don’t think the story line can be judged until the series is done and it can be read straight through, but even then I’d recommend it strictly for SF fans.