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Exercise: Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise goes by many names. It’s often called endurance exercise because it’s done over long periods of time. Another common name is cardio because of its benefit to the cardiovascular system. Whatever you call it, it’s an integral part of any exercise routine, and should be a part of your daily life in some form or another. So what exactly is aerobic exercise and how can we use it to improve our health? Continue reading Exercise: Aerobic Exercise

Exercise: Introduction

Exercise is a potent tool in maintaining a healthy body and we’ve known this for thousands of years. The Roman statesman Cicero extolled its benefits and the people of the Indian subcontinent have been practicing yoga for at least 5,000 years. The Greeks created the Olympics out of the respect for health and physical fitness. So we’ve known that exercise is important for a long time, but why is it important, and what is it? Continue reading Exercise: Introduction

Heart Health: Blood Pressure

When it comes to heart health, one of the most important things to pay attention to is our blood pressure. As one of the vital signs that doctors check to get a baseline indicator of our health, a healthy blood pressure is indicative of much more than a healthy heart. First, science. Let’s start with what blood pressure is. It all starts with the heart. … Continue reading Heart Health: Blood Pressure

Heart Health: Conquering Cholesterol

It’s never too early to start thinking about our heart health. It’s the engine that keeps our body running so we need to take care of it. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the United States has over 600,000 deaths every year from cardiovascular disease (CVD). At 70 deaths per hour that makes CVD the number one killer of Americans. The numbers don’t improve internationally. According to the World Health Organization nearly 18 million people die from CVD every year. Continue reading Heart Health: Conquering Cholesterol