I like to take pictures of birds. I also live in Mexico. If I want to talk to anyone about doing one of the things I like, I need to learn some new words. I’m taking a break from my computer vocabulary for a bit to bring you a deck of birds and bird words. Enjoy, and let me know what I missed!

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

Sustantivos – Nouns

Aves – Birds
el pájarothe bird (songbird)
el avethe bird
el cuervothe crow
el arrendajothe jay
el sensontlethe mockingbird
la palomathe pigeon
the dove
el patothe duck
el gansothe goose
el cisnethe swan
el águilathe eagle
el halcónthe falcon
la grullathe crane
la garzathe heron
la garcetathe egret
el gorriónthe sparrow
el pinzónthe finch
el mirlothe robin
el estorninothe starling
el colibríthe hummingbird
el búhothe owl
la gaviotathe seagull
la golondrinathe swallow
el buitrethe vulture
el guajolote
el pavo
the turkey
el lorothe parrot
Otros – Other
el alathe wing
el picothe beak
la plumathe feather
la crestathe crest
la garrathe claw
el talónthe talon
el nidothe nest
el huevothe egg
la bandadathe flock
la migraciónthe migration
el cantothe song

Verbos – Verbs

volarto fly
migrarto migrate
aletearto flap
cantarto sing
anidarto nest