Anki Spanish Computer Deck, Part 3: The Desktop

Let’s continue with our computer-themed Anki decks! This time I’m dropping a deck of words and short phrases dedicated exclusively to interacting with our computer desktop. I find when I’m trying to explain how to do something on a computer, I have to resort to English too often simply because I don’t know the vocabulary for something I use everyday.

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

Sustantivos – Nouns

el escritoriothe desktop
el fondothe background
el fondo de pantallathe wallpaper
el cursorthe cursor
la ventanathe window
el íconothe icon
el archivothe file
la ruta del archivothe file path
el acceso directothe shortcut
la carpetathe folder
el directoriothe directory
el portapapelesthe clipboard
el protector de pantallathe screensaver
el programathe program
el menu de Iniciothe Start menu
la contraseñathe password
la configuraciónthe configuration

Verbos – Verbs

abrirto open
cerrarto close
arrastarto drag
colocarto drop
instalarto install
ejecutarto run (a program)
hacer (doble) clicto (double) click
cerrar sesiónto log off, to sign out
iniciar sesiónto log on, to sign in