Anki Spanish Computer Deck, Part 4: Email

For most people today, email is a part of daily life. If we want to continue to learn Spanish, we need to be able to talk about the things we de every day. Today, I’m dropping another short, simple deck of Spanish words all about email.

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

Sustantivos – Nouns

el correo electrónicothe email
la direcciónthe address
la dirección de correo electrónicothe email address
la cuentathe account
el mensajethe message
el remitentethe sender
el destinatariothe recipient
el asuntothe subject
la bandeja de entradathe inbox
la bandeja de salidathe outbox
la bandeja de mensajes enviadosthe sent box
la libreta de direccionesthe address book
la copia carbónthe carbon copy
la copia carbón ocultathe blind carbon copy
los archivos adjuntosthe attached files
la lista de distribuciónthe mailing list
el correo no deseadothe junk mail, spam

Verbos – Verbs

adjuntarto attach
abrirto open
enviarto send
reenviarto forward
borrarto delete
responder ato reply to
responder a todosto reply to all