Ultimate Anki Spanish Kitchen Deck

I think all of us spend some time in the kitchen every day. Since it’s an everyday part of our lives, it’s important that we know how to talk about it in Spanish if we’re serious about learning. Let me know what you think in the comments and tell me if I made a mistake.

The deck is free to access and download here. Feel free to add or remove words as you see fit.

Word list

La Cocina – The Kitchen

Sustantivos – Nouns

Los Platos – The Dishes

el platothe plate
el tazónthe bowl
la ollathe pot
el sarténthe pan
el vasothe glass
la tazathe cup

Los Utensilios – The Utensils

la cucharathe spoon
el tenedorthe fork
el cuchillothe knife
los cubiertosthe cutlery
el cucharónthe ladle
la espátulathe spatula

Las Comidas – The Meals

el desayunothe breakfast
el almuerzothe lunch
la cenathe dinner
la botanathe snack
la comidathe food

Los Electrodomésticos – The Appliances

el hornothe oven
la estufathe stove
el microondasthe microwave
el refrigeradorthe refrigerator
el congeladorthe freezer
el tostadorthe toaster
la cafeterathe coffee maker
la licuadorathe blender

Los Muebles – The Furniture

la mesathe table
la sillathe chair
el lavaplatosthe sink
la despensathe pantry
los gabinetesthe cabinets
el estantethe shelf

Verbos – Verbs

cortarto cut
rallarto grate
pelarto peel
picarto chop
hervirto boil
freirto fry
hornearto bake
cocinarto cook
mezclarto blend
to mix
asarto grill
calentarto heat up
prepararto prepare
servirto serve