Exercise: Energy
Most of us probably know that if we’re going to exercise, we need to use some energy to move our muscles and burn fat. But where does that energy come from? It’s complicated. Continue reading Exercise: Energy
Most of us probably know that if we’re going to exercise, we need to use some energy to move our muscles and burn fat. But where does that energy come from? It’s complicated. Continue reading Exercise: Energy
It’s never too early to start thinking about our heart health. It’s the engine that keeps our body running so we need to take care of it. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) the United States has over 600,000 deaths every year from cardiovascular disease (CVD). At 70 deaths per hour that makes CVD the number one killer of Americans. The numbers don’t improve internationally. According to the World Health Organization nearly 18 million people die from CVD every year. Continue reading Heart Health: Conquering Cholesterol