NCsoft Announces Gracia – Part 1 and New Game Mechanics in Lineage II

Fans of the very popular Lineage II MMORPG (19 million subscribers) need to ready themselves for some changes coming to their game. In the first of three new updates to the game, called Gracia – Part 1, NCsoft has changed up their game mechanics to basically make it easier to level up and thereby make it easier for newer players to more quickly advance and gain experience in the game.

According to NCsoft’s North American Producer, Tim Tan, “Gracia represents a huge change to Lineage II. The increase in leveling speed allows players to create new characters and advance nearly twice as fast as before.” But he’s quick to mention that “this game is still a hardcore game,” just easier for noobs.

Coupled with these new changes is a new territory for players to explore called Kamaloka, an inter-dimensional world found in the land of Gracia. According to the press release “The expansion also offers a selection of new and improved skills, many new items, and improvements to the Cruma Tower, as well as other hunting zones.”

I don’t play MMO games of any sort mostly because I don’t want to get hooked on something I can’t quit (I’ve already got enough bad habits). So to me this just sounds like they’re making their video game crack a little bit stronger.

Hopefully the changes won’t be so dramatic that they chase away their base users similar to what happened when the Star Wars MMO changed to be more accessible to new and inexperienced users.