The Haven: Now We’re Getting Somewhere

By Andrew Goletz

There is a ton of Reilly stuff to get to this week so my usual ramblings will be quite sparse. I’m sure you’ll all be hoping for big Reilly news from here on out for just that reason.

I was one of those to partake in the Harry Potter midnight release extravaganza. I’m no stranger to geek culture. I’ve camped out for Springsteen tickets. I’ve wasted a day in line to be the first to see the newest Star Wars film and did several of the midnight runs on the Star Wars toys. I’ve seen grown adults toss children out of the way to get to the toys of their choice. I’ve seen 50-year-old men brought to tears of joy over seeing the latest plastic incarnation of Obi-Wan Kenobi. I’ve seen people give a standing ovation to the 20th Century Fox logo. Continue reading “The Haven: Now We’re Getting Somewhere”

The Haven: Pilgrim’s Progress

By Andrew Goletz

This column should be on time again barring any technical difficulties on the site. Dan is on the road for a special event that he’ll be writing about soon, but it may cause the delays of this column along with several others. The boss needs to get his ass out there and do some legwork, too, you know?

Well, if I ever learn how to do proper HTML and coding, I could help the poor bastard out and post new stuff myself, but then who would I get to blame???

I only have a handful of comments this week since most of my time was spent on all of the wonderful Life of Reilly details. (Big, big week for that little project.) Continue reading “The Haven: Pilgrim’s Progress”

The Haven: Rumors and Reilly

By Andrew Goletz

Two weeks in a row that the column is on time… Sadly, this is a new personal record.

The fallout from Wizard World Philly continues. I’m so bogged down with work right now. I made a lot of great contacts and confirmed set interview dates with the first two creators, but finding the time is going to be quite the task. This is where one’s organizational skills can make or break you. If I don’t have some new interviews and reviews up by the end of the month, I’m going to feel like a colossal failure. Continue reading “The Haven: Rumors and Reilly”

The Haven: Wizard World Philly and The Life of Reilly

Welcome to “The Haven,” a place where you’re going to learn all about the wonderful world of me. This includes – but is not limited to – my ongoing crusade to redevelop and publish The Life of Reilly as a trade paperback, my thoughts on the Comics Industry as a whole, developments with our little corner of cyberspace here, and probably comments on everything from movies to how I can’t stand my job.

A few promises to start off our new relationship: Continue reading “The Haven: Wizard World Philly and The Life of Reilly”