The Secret World: Funcom’s Newest MMO Revealed

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If you go to Funcom’s main page on their website, you’ll see that their newest project isn’t even in the “Funcom Links” panel. It doesn’t have a graphic representation there yet. In fact, the only mention of it on the front page is a link in their news panel.

Click on the words “Funcom reveals The Secret World,” and you will be taken to a company written article about the announcement of their latest MMO being revealed earlier this month.

According to the article the game will be a “different kind of online world, something scary and contemporary, something deeper and closer to our reality.” The game promises to offer fresh material, something different from the standard sci-fi/fantasy MMO faire. Continue reading “The Secret World: Funcom’s Newest MMO Revealed”

Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar


Currently, if you log into Lord of the Rings Online, you’re going to see a lot of chatter about how the game compares to World of Warcraft. “The graphics are better/worse.” “The gameplay is better/ worse.” “WoW has more grinding.” “WoW has the better interface.” “No it doesn’t, LotRO does.” “LotRO is too cartoony.” “Are you kidding me? WoW is the cartoon!” “LotRO is just a WoW clone…”

Whatever the argument, players aren’t going to avoid the debate for long and it can get pretty heated.

So why the debate? Well, for one thing, since the game has gone public a good portion of WoW players have come over for a while to see what the game is like. Let’s face it, this is standard practice for gamers. If something new comes out, we want to get a peek at it even if we don’t plan to leave the other game we’re already playing for it. Continue reading “Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar”

EVE Online: Revelations


“EVE is shiny.”This was a comment by a friend of mine a while back when we were discussing the MMO I’d been watching my roommate play for a few months. I had been considering taking up the game myself, while she-a devoted FFXI player-had been trying to recruit me into the throngs of Vana’diel.

To be honest, I had never really played an MMO of any kind. It just wasn’t something I’d felt inclined to do. In fact, I had told many people that if I want to interact with others, I’d leave my house. Video games were something I played so that I didn’t have to bother with other people.

For these reasons, I didn’t tell my roommate when I decided to download the EVE client and install it. In fact, it was a week or more before I mentioned to him the desire to play at all. (To be honest, I was still working on the tutorial for my first avatar.) Continue reading “EVE Online: Revelations”

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade


“You are not prepared!” Illidain challenges as the opening cinematic plays. I wasn’t prepared, either, for the gameplay changes anyway. As for Illidain himself, he’s not even in the game yet. By the time Illidain shows himself, everyone who plays WoW seriously will be ready … and waiting in line to take a swing at him.

As a softcore raider, I lived in a dungeon with my guild on weekends. After a few months, my gear was shiny and, dare I say it, 133t. Not the best of the best, but that was for the hardcore raiding guilds who threw themselves into dungeons on a daily basis. So imagine my surprise when I venture through the Dark Portal and am greeted with scores of quests that give me better gear than I could find in the most dangerous instances back on Azeroth! Continue reading “World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade”

Supreme Commander: Giant Robots Make Tanks Very Flat


So this game’s been hyped up for the past eighteen-hundred months, a game that claims to revolutionize the RTS genre for everyone. So what does it have?

New system? Nope.

Really awesome graphics with low requirements? You wish.

No, it really just dives right into the inner geek of everyone who loved playing RTS games, who said to themselves, “Hey, if I could just step on them, then they’d like… die faster.” So hey, someone heard you! Continue reading “Supreme Commander: Giant Robots Make Tanks Very Flat”