Category: History

Overlooked History of the Lincoln Pennies – Lincoln Cents 1909 – Present

The Hidden History Behind Mexico’s $50 Banknote

History of the Chilean 1981 $50 featuring Arturo Prat

The flag of Mexico is widely recognized for its unique design featuring the country’s coat of arms, the origin of which is over 500 years old. Symbolism The dominant visual element on the Mexican flag is the coat of arms featuring an eagle devouring a snake while perched on a cactus. This image is based on the Mexica myth of the founding of Tenochtitlan, known … Continue reading Mexico

Medieval and Renaissance Cryptography
Between the decline of the Roman Empire and the rise of Islam, few advances were made in cryptography. That changed during the early 9th century in the Abbasid Caliphate (modern day Iraq) when an Arab philosopher and polymath made an advance in cryptography that would set off a cryptographic arms race that continues to the present day. Continue reading Medieval and Renaissance Cryptography

United States
The US flag is perhaps the most recognized flag in the world, and although its symbolism has remained constant, its form has changed more than most others over the past 200 years. Continue reading United States

Ancient Cryptography
Throughout history there has always been a need to keep certain information secret. If these secrets are only whispered among a trustworthy few, then there is little danger of that secret being revealed. But if there’s a chance our message may be read by someone other than our intended recipient, how can we keep the secrecy of our message? Cryptography. Continue reading Ancient Cryptography

Although iconic today, the creation of a Canadian flag was a contentious issue that wasn’t resolved until 1965. Continue reading Canada

Dandy Macaroni
Nearly every American child at one point during their primary education was made to sing at least the first verse of the song Yankee Doodle. And though we may have dutifully sung it, few of us knew at the time, or know now, what the song is about. Continue reading Dandy Macaroni