Thomas Circle

“The Rock of Chickamauga”

Thomas Circle sits on the intersections of 14th Street NW, M Street NW, Massachusetts Avenue, and Vermont Avenue. To the north are the trendier blocks of 14th Street, and to the south is the heart of downtown D.C. While Thomas Circle doesn’t define its neighborhood the way Du Pont Circle or Logan Circle do, it has its own personality. The National City Christian Church dominates the circle while the rest is ringed by businesses and hotels. Visit the rooftop bar of the Donovan hotel for an amazing view of the circle and the District.

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Farragut Square

“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!”

Sandwiched between K Street and I Street is one of D.C.’s more traveled parks. During lunch hours it is ringed with food trucks of all varieties, from Latin and Thai to American and Mediterranean. It’s in the heart of the Washington’s business district with businesses including the Army and Navy Club, Con Agra Foods, the Center for Public Integrity, and International Labor Rights surrounding it.

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