The Lost Books of Eve

Most of us in the Western world are familiar with the Biblical story of Genesis, in particular the story of Adam and Eve, but few people have heard of the ancient Jewish story of Lilith and there is no record in the accepted canon of Adam and Eve’s life together before their expulsion from the garden.

This is where The Lost Books of Eve come in. Josh Howard has drawn from classical religions and mythologies to populate his antediluvian Earth. The main player in this tale is of course Eve. After Adam goes missing from a sailing jaunt on the oceans of the Garden of Eden (ignore the fact Eden was bounded by four rivers and nary an ocean) it is up to Eve to find and rescue her husband.

Adam has been kidnapped by his first wife Lilith as part of her plans to spite the creator and free herself from the exile he has imposed upon her. Helping her during her journey is the cherubim tasked to guard the gates of Eden, Asherah (in ancient Israeli mythology the feminine counterpart to the masculine Yahweh) and Adam’s brother Melchizedek (rabbinical tradition holds that he is actually Shem, Noah’s son). Continue reading “The Lost Books of Eve”

The Rabid

After a brief two month delay, Viper Comic’s The Rabid is finally on store shelves. This is the latest from writer Jason M. Burns – known for A Dummy’s Guide to Danger and Gypsy Joe Jefferson among others – and the first full length graphic novel from artist Guy Lemay who’s also done work on A Dummy’s Guide to Danger as well as Sasquatch.

The story is about a small town that has become the epicenter for an outbreak of a virulent, mutated strain of rabies that seems to have been developed by the military. What starts as an airborne virus among dogs quickly spreads to the human population through vicious dog attacks. Once bitten the victims quickly begin to show aggressive, cannibalistic, zombie-like behavior and their skin takes on a sick, green palor.

Caught in the middle of this unfolding apocalypse is Sheriff Kevin Chase who will do whatever he can to protect his family and friends. But too many people are becoming infected. The infection is spreading too fast and for some reason all of their communications have been cut off. Trapped in a town that’s become a Romeroesque war zone Sheriff Chase leads a small group of survivors including his wife and son away from town only to be forced to confront the military who may be ultimately responsible for this tragedy. Continue reading “The Rabid”

Viper Launches Black Mamba Books Imprint

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Viper Comics announced that they will be launching their new imprint – Black Mamba Books – later this year. This new imprint will be dedicated to horror comics and will launch in October with Attack of the Killer Tomatoes “being adapted from the original film by Dale Mettam with artwork by Erich Owen and edits by Greg Blohm & Joe Bauer,” according to the press release.

The comic will proceed the release of the theatrical remake of the 1978 camp classic directed by John De Bello. The new movie will be adapted by Kent Nichols and Douglas Sarine of Ask a Ninja fame. This will also be Nichols’ directorial debut.

Viper is also in negotiations with actors Tony Todd (Candy Man, Chuck, 24), Christa Campbell (Day of the Dead, The Wicker Man, 2001 Maniacs) as well as Jamison Newlander and Corey Feldman (The Frog Brothers from Lost Boys and Lost Boys: The Tribe) “to bring their original horror stories to Black Mamba Books.”

I’m curious to see what kind of stories these actors create for this new imprint. I’m also wondering if Viper’s newest horrorish comic, Wulf and Batsy, will move to this new imprint.

Viper’s “advance edition” of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes will be available at Comic-Con this July in limited numbers. Full body of the press release after the jump. Continue reading “Viper Launches Black Mamba Books Imprint”


Ten years after the outbreak of Moss, humanity is pushed to the fringes in a struggle to stay a step ahead of a virulent pathogen that’s only lethal to humans. There is no cure for Moss, the only thing that can be done to stop the spread of the disease is to remove the infected limb. This is the world of John J. Vendor and he makes his living selling body parts back to the living.

Vendor, published by Viper Comics, is the first project from Keven Abrams and Adam Moore’s Fairtrade Films company. The company’s name gives away their professional background in the movie and television industries but both have backgrounds in scriptwriting and editing, both of which are vital skills for the “direction” of a graphic novel. Couple their professional writing and business experience with Nicc Balce’s art (more on him later) and you’ve got the potential for great comic.

Vendor himself is a very interesting character. He walks around with a box full of body parts wearing a trench coat that’s missing one sleeve. This arm he leaves bare in case he needs to cut it off and replace it with one more suited to his needs. He runs his business under the guise of a dating service and he also has a sort of death-sense which allows him to find the dying and buy their limbs from them. It’s a handy gift for someone who deals in both life and death. Continue reading “Vendor”

Wulf and Batsy: We Have No Home

Josh Howard's issue #1 cover

Wulf and Batsy is a new black and white series written and illustrated by Bryan Baugh and published by Viper Comics. Baugh has an interesting resume grounded in animation. In his words: “During the day I work for Disney Animation, where I make a living as a storyboard artist, on a new Winnie the Poohanimated TV series. But then I come home at night and draw horror comics, which have monsters and blood and half naked girls in them.”

The story follows Wulf – a.k.a. Cevin – and his vampire “ladyfriend” Batsy. Cevin and Batsy are itinerant, wandering from town to town, looking for some place to call home. When they get to the village of Eppworth Ruddy they hope for a place to settle down, but when a young shepherd woman interrupts Wulf feeding on her father’s flock Batsy intervenes to save the young woman’s life then puts her to sleep to facilitate their exit.

The next day Batsy sleeps while Cevin explores the town. By explore of course I mean slink into the local brothel. And where else would the local shepherd maiden run to first when she woke up but the brothel to let everyone who’s anyone know about this latest monster infestation. I’m not sure if Baugh is trying to be tongue in cheek or if these types of things are merely unintentional incongruities. Either way it’s amusing. Continue reading “Wulf and Batsy: We Have No Home”

Caught My Eye – Gypsy Joe Jefferson

Guest Post

It would seem that I’m turning into something of a roadie of writer Jason M. Burns, but the truth is he’s sending me advance things to review that no one else has! One thing that can be said about Jason’s work is that he has a billion ideas rumbling around in his head. I kind of think of him as a new up-and-coming version of Grant Morrison because he has some pretty out there ideas that are just different from what you’re used to. Gypsy Joe Jefferson proves this trend continues.

Gypsy Joe Jefferson is a former boxer who has retired from the sport due to getting older and not being able to compete with the new, younger guys. His wife is a corporate woman who landed him a gig in security where, naturally, the bigwigs decided to take more from him than his yearly bonus. The basic plot is that he was altered in such a way that after being around people for five minutes, they start to go stark raving mad. The story follows Joe as he comes to terms with this and tries to find those responsible. Continue reading “Caught My Eye – Gypsy Joe Jefferson”

Dead@17: The Compendium Edition

Dead@17 first showed up back in 2003 from Viper Comics. It follows the story of Nara, an innocent teenager who is brutally murdered in her own home only to be reborn as the potential savior or destroyer of humanity. But that’s just the setup.

The story is really about the ultimate struggle between good and evil. Nara is the intended vessel for the rebirth of the demon Bolabogg in his quest to usurp the power of God. When that plan fails it’s up to Nara, her friends and some shadowy occult paramilitary organizations to stop him from using another unlucky girl who’s just been killed and resurrected in Nara’s stead.

Throw in some zombies possessed by a demon named Legion, a still alive and fighting Joan of Arc and plenty of risqué panels of Nara, her friend Hazy, and substitute vessel – and Nara’s nemesis – Violet, and you’ve got a recipe for an entertaining and thoughtful graphic novel that plays fast and loose with the classic story of the apocalypse. Continue reading “Dead@17: The Compendium Edition”

A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea #2

Guest Post

It wasn’t too long ago that I wrote a review for A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea, but I was given an opportunity to check out issue number two in advance, so I figured I would dust off the cobwebs on my keyboard and give the second issue a mini review. The second issue in the mini series continues the trend of mixing humor and mystery with an assorted gang of interesting characters that is hard to put down.

I won’t go into the general plot in this review since I covered that in first review. The first issue leaves you on a cliffhanger and this one picks right up from there. But if you can’t find the first issue at your local comic shop, you won’t be too lost since it was written in a way that you can pick it right up.

One thing that I will give the writer, Jason Burns, credit for is that he knows how to set up proper cliffhangers in each issue. The first issue leaves you with one, and the second issue continues that. Having good cliffhangers is very important in comics and I think Jason agrees with me in that regard. The end of this issue leaves you in a place where you just have to march down to your local nerd den and plop over the money that Big Oil was expecting that week. Continue reading “A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea #2”

Caught My Eye: A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea

Guest Post

I was recently given the opportunity to do an advance review of A Dummy’s guide to Danger: Lost at Sea, which is a comic book that I was already jazzed to read. I don’t normally like to review books that are offered to me, but I had a good feeling about this one since I just reviewed the mini series that this one spins out of. My initial feelings regarding this comic were well founded and I am glad I jumped at the chance to read it so I could report back to my faithful readers the good news. This one is for you Mom.

A Dummy’s guide to Danger: Lost at Sea is the sequel to a mini series that was titled A Dummy’s guide to Danger. First off, don’t let the fact that it is a sequel stop you from checking this title out. Very little from the first series is referenced and everything you need to know is explained in the opening scenes of this book. I was interested in seeing how Jason M. Burns was going to kick this series off for new readers and I am happy to say he did it well. For all purposes, you could read this series and never know that there was a previous mini series. That is something that all writers should strive for since you never want to leave your readers out in the cold. Continue reading “Caught My Eye: A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea”

Interview: Joe Eisma on Dummy’s Guide to Danger vol 2

I recently spoke with Joe Eisma, the artist on the upcoming comic A Dummy’s Guide to Danger: Lost at Sea. In this interview, we discuss everything from how he got into comics to details regarding the new miniseries from Viper Comics.

Clint Page: You have a pretty interesting career up to this point. So far, you’ve worked in TV, video games and now comics. What’s it like to be the envy of just about every male from the age of 12 to 35?

Joe Eisma: I also worked in the newspaper industry for awhile! You could say I have career ADD. I wouldn’t necessarily think I’m the envy of most people – I have my own share of stresses and commitments that go along with my work, just like in any job. Doing work in the creative industries that I’ve worked in has been difficult, with a lot of passionate personalities, deadlines and busy schedules, but overall it’s been the most rewarding. And I’m at the point now where I can work from home in my pajamas if I want. Continue reading “Interview: Joe Eisma on Dummy’s Guide to Danger vol 2”