The Beatles Rock Band

I honestly never thought the day would come when we could look forward to playing a Beatles song in Guitar Hero or Rock Band. The rights to the songs are wrapped up tighter than a Gordian Knot and not even iTunes has Beatles songs available for download. However, on September 9th that day will finally be here.

The game will have 45 tracks on the disc when it ships. While that’s slightly more than half of what Rock Band 2 shipped with, this game promises to be a much more immersive experience. The buzz word that’s being tossed around is “experiential.”

Only 10 songs have been announced so far: I Saw Her Standing There, I Want To Hold Your Hand,I Feel Fine,Taxman,Day Tripper, Back In The USSR,I Am The Walrus,Octopus‘s Garden,Here Comes The Sun,and Get Back.


Continue reading “The Beatles Rock Band”

Akuma Revealed for SFIV Arcade

For all you Street Fighter die-hards out there wondering where your favorite character has disappeared to in Street Fighter IV have no fear! Capcom has just announced a new secret character in their arcade build of the game and it’s none other than Akuma.

There’s no word on if Akuma is already in the Japanese arcade hardware or if he will be region-specific to North America. Also left unstated was whether or not Akuma would be in the console versions of the game and whether he would be a playable character.

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Activision Announces Civil War: Secret Missions

Guest Post

A new chapter in in the interactive history of the Civil War has been announced by Activision Publishing. The press release describes Civil War: Secret Missions as “a completely new episode in The History Channel’s Civil War franchise, the game will allow players to assume the role of Union and Confederate soldiers fighting behind enemy lines in legendary battles.”

The first game was generally received as lackluster when released due to non-dynamic environments and clipping issues as well as a lack of any coherent narrative or campaign mode. Another point of contention that should have been addressed was the bumbling enemy AI. But the new game promises to add a deeper tactical element to the franchise.

There is a rich history to the Civil War, especially in terms of covert military tactics,” said Dave Oxford, Activision Publishing. “American warfare in the 1860’s was brutal yet surprisingly sophisticated, so it was essential for us to capture this duality.

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Eidos and Warner Bros. Announce Batman: Arkham Asylum

You knew it was coming and now it is upon us. Eidos has just announced a new Batman game in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The new game is titled Batman: Arkham Asylum which promises to be “a dark, action packed videogame adventure.”

The setup of the game is Batman is delivering The Joker to Arkham Asylum where a trap is set for him by the myriad denizens of Gotham’s madhouse. The press release says Arkham Asylum will deliver an “immersive combat gaming experience” with an original script by Paul Dini. Continue reading “Eidos and Warner Bros. Announce Batman: Arkham Asylum”

Capcom Reveals Three Mega Man 9 Bosses

I don’t know about the rest of you but I’ve been eagerly awaiting the new Mega Man 9 soon to be available on all three current-gen systems. And today Capcom has released information on three of the new bosses to be featured in the game.

From their press release:

Magma Man:
Magma Man serves as the safety control robot at a large geothermal power plant. He is able to work in incredibly hot environments and loves to visit hot spas.

Weapon: Magma Bazooka
Magma Bazooka shoots a cluster of fireballs that spread out after launching. It can also be charged by holding down the shot button. Continue reading “Capcom Reveals Three Mega Man 9 Bosses”

Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM

Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM is the fusion of the Dynasty Warriors series, which first began life on the PlayStation and found its fame on the PlayStation 2 console, and the Gundam anime series; the longest running anime series based on mechs and robots.

The Dynasty Warriors series is a beat-’em up action genre which involves the player taking the role of an important figure from the “Warring States” period of ancient China and doing battle with the different factions of the time. The series is based on historical figures and events, but the gameplay is most certainly not. Players will find themselves utilizing power ups that increase their strength, defense, and speed and collecting items from fallen enemies that can be equipped and used in future or previous battles. Continue reading “Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM”

Fallout 3: Heaven or Hell?

Image from the Fallout 3 teaser

If you who haven’t already seen the teaser (I recommend it, if only to kill a couple of minutes), I’ll give you the condensed version:

Vacuum tubes, Inkspots music, radio panning out to an abandoned bus, panning out further to a ruined bus, panning out further to a ruined cityscape (arguably Washington D.C.), pulling back over craggy destroyed cement, Fall 2008 release date. The End.

… Oh, yeah, and a guy in Brotherhood-of-Steel-style power armor. Continue reading “Fallout 3: Heaven or Hell?”

The Agency: MMO Gaming Comes to the PS3

Concept art for The Agency

Get out your secret decoder rings, ’cause you’re going to need them.

Apparently, most of us weren’t paying that much attention earlier this year when Sony executive Yair Landau revealed SOE’s latest concept for an MMO. Keynoting the D.I.C.E. Summit, Landau previewed a clip of the new game – codenamed “Vista” – that gave those there a glimpse of a third-person shooter set in Prague complete with dangerous women and hot cars.

Prefacing the game’s introduction with one of the trailers from Casino Royale, Sony gave those at the Summit all they needed to know about the game at the time. It’s an MMO. Better yet, it’s a spy MMO. Continue reading “The Agency: MMO Gaming Comes to the PS3”

Plebian Plays Playstation 3

I never thought that I’d be writing this article on why I enjoyed my first thorough thrashing of the Playstation 3. My interest in video games has, with the exception of the Nintendo Wii, been limited within the past year to the X-Men Legends series and some occasional skull crushing in WWE Day of Reckoning. I had been over to my friend’s house and had thus far been able to resist the temptation to play the PS3. It sat there, nestled in the darkness of his entertainment shelf, looking expensive and imposing. I was so enamored with the Wii that I never thought I would enjoy Sony’s new entertainment monster. I was dead wrong. Even when played on a non-HD screen like a 46″ Plasma ED, the PS3 delivers breathtaking and stunning visuals. You’re probably thinking, “Of course it does, you moron. And an Enzo Ferrari is a fast automobile.” Continue reading “Plebian Plays Playstation 3”

MotorStorm: Demo Review


MotorStorm is being readied for a February 2007 launch; quite a long time away. However, PlayStation 3 owners are able to get a first glimpse at how this game is coming along via a downloadable demo available on the PlayStation Network. This demo has a lot to say about the state of the game and upcoming PlayStation 3 launch titles.

The demo, being around 300 megabytes in size, takes a while to download via wireless connection but is relatively quick to install onto the hard drive. The demo contains two different types of vehicles; trucks and bikes. The trucks don’t seem to have as much acceleration as the bikes and are hulking masses of metal, so are less agile than the bikes. However, the trucks’ mass becomes an advantage when you feel like bullying other racers into, say, a wall. The bike is lacking in this area and is more easily susceptible to being smashed up but its small size and agility can get it out of a tight spot if it were to ever occur. Continue reading “MotorStorm: Demo Review”