Wednesday Wrap-Up

Absolution #1

I’m not really a super hero kind of guy but I love what Avatar does with the quintessential comic book trope. Instead of the torch bearers of morality that is the traditional portrayal of these characters, we get flawed and imperfect humans in a struggle to rectify their ideals with reality. John Dusk is a super hero who’s sick of seeing the same scum regurgitated by the system to continue their violent ways. When Dusk kills a perp his whole outlook changes. There’s nothing really outstanding about this title, I just love the dystopic super hero story.

The Boys #33

The Boys never gets boring, it just keeps getting better. If things keep going the way they are, there won’t be any supes left for The Boys to take care of. Not much story development in this issue but the action that does occur more than makes up for it. If you’re not reading The Boys, you’re missing out

Chew #3

Most of you probably missed this title when it first came out due to the limited printing and high demand. By this point however, you should be well caught up considering they’re already on their second printing of the first issue. I love the top-heavy character designs by Rob Guillory and John Layman’s quirky premise is handled with expert comedic timing. This five issue mini-series should definitely be on your pull list. Continue reading “Wednesday Wrap-Up”

Wednesday Wrap-Up

Air #10

By about the sixth issue of G. Willow Wilson’s and M.K. Perker’s Air I thought I had a pretty good handle on just what in the hell was going on. Amelia Earhart showed up in a floating city in the clouds and made everything clear to me. Now I’m in Mexico before the French conquered England and I feel like I’m just starting over again. While I may have lost the path of the story the comic continues to be fresh, crisp and smart. This series is definitely worth your time but this isn’t the time to jump in.

The Dark Tower: Fall of Gilead #2

To tell you the truth, I’m just slogging through most of these tragic bits until I can leave the tales of Roland’s adolescence and move on to the parts of the stories where he’s a bad-ass ninja with cowboy boots and a revolver. Much like watching Titanic, we know Gilead will fall, we know Roland will live and his father will likely die. All that happens later though. For now Stephen King fans will have to make do with Roland going to jail. I get the feeling this is just leading up to a mountain of tragedy in the next four issues.

Executive Assistant Iris #1

This comic is a steaming plate of bad-ass. While most of the issue is turned over to the task of demonstrating just how epically bad-ass it is, there is a kernel of a story in there. David Wohl seems to have an interesting story going for him but so far it’s obfuscated by a lot of business speak and ass kicking. Eduardo Francisco’s art lives up to the high standards set by Aspen’s other works and John Starr’s colors are visceral and vibrant. This isn’t a must have but you definitely need to take a look because there won’t be very many copies of these laying around.

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Wednesday Wrap-Up

Anna Mercury 2 #1

Hooray! Anna Mercury is back! In this new series one of the constellation worlds has sent something into our world and it’s Anna Mercury’s job to recon this previously unexplored world that inhabits a dimension next to ours. The hottest red head in comics since Mary Jane Watson is in it up to her neck almost as soon as she hits the ground. I’ve got nothing but wonderful things to say about this comic. Buy this comic. Subscribe to it. You’ll thank me.

Berserker #0
Top Cow

Okay Milo Ventimiglia, thanks for the new comic series and all but weren’t you supposed to be working on Rest. Did that series ever finish? I don’t think so. Essentially Berserker is exactly what I thought it would be: a dude going crazy from blood lust killing anyone he meets. The surprise is that I enjoy the setup to what I know is coming. If Top Cow can keep that up, I’ll stick with the series.

Continue reading “Wednesday Wrap-Up”

Review: Elephentmen: War Toys

In the year 2239 war rages across the European continent as Africa and China fight a bloody and brutal conflict. A deadly virus known as FCN, “the deadliest pandemic that the world had ever known,” has killed untold masses of people across the world. The survivors are left to try to live through a war they neither asked for or deserved.

Whereas the Chinese fight with human soldiers, the African soldiers are transgenetic creatures made by the shadowy company Mappo which rules Africa in all but name. In other words Europe (the backdrop for War Toys) is being overrun by an army of African animals genetically modified into humanoid forms.

War Toys is essentially a prequel to the larger Elephantmen universe. It’s the story of how that world came to be born out of the ashes of the world we know. Aside from just being a very engaging sci-fi war story, War Toys is also a thoughtful exploration on what it means to be “human.” Continue reading “Review: Elephentmen: War Toys”

Caught My Eye: Noble Causes Archives Volume 1

Guest Post

Noble Causes is a book that has caught my eye for a long time, but I just never got the full urge to read it until the recent archive collections were solicited. While some comic books are often compared to soap operas due to the themes and long running plots, Noble Causes embraces that concept and bases the entire series on it.

That does not mean the comic is looking for an audience within stay at home moms and grandmothers, but that it focuses on the characters and builds on them in ways few other comic books do.

The release of this archive collection (and soon the second volume) coincided with a new push in the series. These two huge collections contain the entire series up to the point in the series where it takes a five year jump in the story as a way to get new readers to try out the series and feel comfortable with all the history of the title. From a marketing perspective, that seems like a good idea since DC did something similar with One Year Later following the Infinite Crisis crossover.

Continue reading “Caught My Eye: Noble Causes Archives Volume 1”


By Ahmad Chaudhary

This book reminds me of the first black and white movie I ever saw. It was Casablanca and I was a 14-year-old punk. Not mall-punk, though I did hang out at the mall; not actual punk like I was into crappy “”core music – and by that I mean grind core, hard core, mom core, noise core, apple core, core-of-the-earth core, etc. I was not old-school punk like I was into the Buzzcocks or Black Flag, and certainly not punk like when people say “that is so punk rock,” which doesn’t actually mean anything since everything is inevitably “punk rock” and I suppose is the same thing as mall punk. I was a punk like I was a stupid adolescent. For example, I didn’t listen to anything my parents told me, I swore constantly, I smoked Marlboro Reds and cared little for school.

In my differently skewed state of mind at the time, based on technological merit alone, there was no possible way a black and white movie could be better than a full color movie. It just could not be. Watching the Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny dud Space Jam in one of my classes and the ultra-classic Casablanca back to back under the direction of the teacher changed my perspective. In fact, my sentiment was echoed by most of my classmates, pretty shocking considering Casablanca was a couple of years yet to be considered “cool” even by nerds and was generally considered nerdy due to its love-story nature and ancient status. Continue reading “Torso”

Caught My Eye: Firebreather

Guest Post

With this review, you may notice a little pattern with the comics that catch my eye. I suffer from a little-known affliction called “glutton for good comics.” Once I find a topic or creator that interests me, I can’t move on to another until that hunger is satisfied. The current creator that has me occupied is Phil Hester.

In my last review, I checked out the comic Thirteen Steps, written by Phil Hester and Chuck Satterlee. That introduced me to Hester’s writing ability, where before I had only known his art. I was pretty impressed with the different type of story it was and wanted to see what else he had up his sleeve. I went to Wizard World Texas in November and saw that he had a book called Firebreather, and I couldn’t wait to check it out.

Firebreather is a creator-owned book that Phil Hester and Andy Kuhn worked on together. Until I discovered this series, Andy Kuhn wasn’t really known to me (but I’m not the most knowledgeable on various creators yet). I will say that I’ll be following him a little more now since I’m a fan of the style he draws in. If you’re not familiar with his work, his most recent projects include Blue Beetle, Brit, Hulk and Power Pack, and Marvel Team Up. What I like about his style, and others who draw similarly, is that it’s a cartoony look that is not overly realistic, but at the same time not kid stuff either. I really don’t have the comic technical vocabulary to describe it, but it’s my favorite type of comic art. Continue reading “Caught My Eye: Firebreather”

Wonderlost: Love and Angst


So I was facing another friggin’ deadline, even though I started planning out my stuff for this month’s edition over 3 weeks ago. I had several things written and ready to go and was just waiting for a good night’s rest to clear my head so I could wake up, do a final edit and get everything ready for this issue.

But that night, I read a copy of Wonderlost that I picked up at the comic shop earlier in the day. The deadline was going to have to be pushed back, because more than any other, this is the book I wanted to write about this month.

Wonderlost is an autobiographical anthology about teenage love and loss, raging hormones and broken hearts, and the friendship that remains throughout it all. The book is broken up by Cebulski into six chapters, each illustrated by a different artist. Breaking the book up this way provides for a wonderful shift in tone, not just by the story Cebulski is telling but by the artistic stylings. Continue reading “Wonderlost: Love and Angst”